Collection: Bedbugs

Bedbugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on human blood, typically at night. They are flat, oval-shaped, and about the size of an apple seed. These pests hide in mattresses, bed frames, furniture, cracks, and crevices, making them difficult to detect.

Signs of Bedbug Infestation:

  • Red, itchy bite marks in clusters or lines on the skin.
  • Bloodstains on sheets or pillowcases from feeding.
  • Dark fecal spots on mattresses, furniture, or walls.
  • Shed skins and eggshells near hiding places.

Bedbugs do not spread diseases but can cause allergic reactions, stress, and sleep disturbances. They spread through luggage, clothing, second-hand furniture, and public places, making infestations common in hotels, apartments, and public transportation.
